The ReNursing Edu blog has readers worldwide and helps nurses like you navigate your career journey.
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When starting any business you need to determine your niche, especially if you’re going into a field you’re not as familiar with. I’ve been a nurse for a long time, as I imagine a lot of my readers have been as well. It’s very hard to change from a nurse mindset to a (insert your chosen field here) mindset.
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During the pandemic most people are at home scrolling through their social media feed, reading random jokes, and watching random videos. They’re just watching anything that comes up on their feed. Most social media apps are set up for endless or infinite scrolling of content so users don’t leave their app and you don’t need […]
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There’s no denying that nursing is a tough job – and it will always be. Nurses are the heroes who sacrifice a lot to serve, they are always on the forefront, especially during a war, epidemics, and other times of disaster. The role of the nurse has evolved, but one thing hasn’t changed – they […]