The ReNursing Edu blog has readers worldwide and helps nurses like you navigate your career journey.
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Nurses have been through the wringer over the past two years – from the pandemic, vaccine mandates, being loved and then hated by the general public. To top it off, a nurse was criminally convicted for a medication error. Nursing today is not what it used to be. Many nurses when into the profession because […]
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There comes a time in every entrepreneur’s life when you realize you simply can’t do it all yourself. When you start your business, you’re everything. But as your business grows, it becomes painfully obvious that trying to do everything is going to lead to: Frustration (when critical tasks don’t get done and deadlines are missed) […]
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When starting any business you need to determine your niche, especially if you’re going into a field you’re not as familiar with. I’ve been a nurse for a long time, as I imagine a lot of my readers have been as well. It’s very hard to change from a nurse mindset to a (insert your chosen field here) mindset.