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The ReNursing Edu blog has readers worldwide and helps nurses like you navigate your career journey. 

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Have you been thinking about starting a business but don’t know how to get started? Do you have an awesome idea, but you are stuck in the idea phase? Or maybe you just don’t think you can do it because you are a nurse. Pfffft! Let all those negative thoughts go and just go for […]

Nurse to Entrepreneur: Moving From the Bedside to Business

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When asked to describe what a nurse does, what is the general answer? Most envision a nurse caring for the ill in a hospital setting, directly at the bedside tending to every need. To put a spin on things some may even say that a nurse could also work in a clinic. While these descriptions […]

Is it Time for a Change?

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We were all asked this question as a child, and as a child we all had high hopes and aspirations for ourselves. As a child we often thought big. Aspiring for careers such as an actor, all-star athlete, or opera singer were the norm. As we grew to adulthood some of our dreams became less […]

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?