In 2018 I celebrated my 17th year as a nurse. I can’t believe it’s been so long that I’ve been in the profession, even longer in the field considering I was a nurses aide for 2 years before becoming a LPN.
I mentioned to someone the other day how long I’d been a nurse and she casually said, “Are you thinking about changing careers?” It kinda caught me off guard since, yeah– I kinda have! Maybe its common for people to start a new career after 20 years or so in the same one. Maybe the magic number is 10 years, whatever it is, I’m ready.
I’ve actually been thinking about starting a non-nursing related business for some time now. As of about a month ago I’m taking steps to start that non-nursing related business.
Y’all I’m seriously scared of the unknown since nursing is all I’ve known for almost 20 years! At the same time I’m excited since it is something that is completely unknown to me and a “real” business.
I’m not saying what I have going on here at ReNursing Edu isn’t real, but I’m a solo shop here doing everything from design, marketing, blogging, writing, etc. What I have going on now will involve me actually interviewing and hiring independent contractors to do some of the work for me. With that being said, I’m not going anywhere—I’m not giving up ReNursing Edu or providing education for nurses about other opportunities. I see starting a non-nursing business as growth and something I can share with you readers as I move along.
So far, starting a non-nursing business has involved a lot of work. Maybe it’s because I want to cover all my bases in a territory that is unknown to me. Maybe it’s because I’m scared. Maybe it’s a combination of both. Either way, it’s been exciting and I absolutely cannot wait to launch the business.
I’m working with app developers to develop an app for my business. I’m creating marketing materials. I’m writing policies and guidelines of how I envision the business to be run. Most importantly, I’m drafting a legit business plan and checking out all of my local competition.
I’m hoping that by doing all of this, my business idea will prove to be successful. The goal is to be up and fully running by the fall of this year. I just need to get over my fears about the last little details to just do it!
I know starting a non-nursing business can be scary, heck starting any business is scary! But I’m willing to take a chance and venture out into something new for me. I’ll be sharing updates on how everything is going to give you guys look into my world!
Has anyone else started a business outside of nursing? How did it go? Leave your comments below, I’d love to hear them!
#nonnursingbusiness #newbusiness #nursebusiness #nurseburnout
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