Do you have a business roadblock? Here’s what’s standing between you and success.
Do any of these statements sound familiar?
- I want to start my business once I figure everything out.
- I don’t have any money to start my business.
- I don’t know what I can offer that will make money.
- I can’t quit my day job, but I don’t have any time to grow my business.
- I don’t make any sales, ever.
I’m guilty of saying those statements at one time or another. It wasn’t until I was tired of being that person lost in a sea of confusion that I was able to become the person who now has a profitable business.
Ready for the truth?
I want to figure it all out first…
You will never have it all figured out. What you don’t know, you can learn. Waiting until you get it all figured out means you’re wasting time until these imaginary perfect conditions happen. Stop wasting time and get started now!
I don’t have any money…
You say you don’t have any money to start a business? You don’t need that much money to start a business. Seriously, all you need to pay for is your legal paperwork for your state (business registration, license, etc.)a business name, domain and a website.
I don’t know what to sell…
Remember, what makes you money and what makes someone else money isn’t a one size fits all solution. You need to find the sweet spot between what your talents are and what your customers want. You need to do the research to find out what that sweet spot is.
I have to work full-time…
This means you’re going to have to look at what’s going on in those hours outside of work. Many people grow their businesses as a side hustle at night. In just a few hours every night you can get your business off the ground. If you can’t sacrifice a few hours every night for your dream business, you won’t make progress. Seriously, if I can hold a day job and juggle four side hustles, you can at least do one!
I can’t figure out how to make a sale…
If you have a business and never make a sale, then one of three things is happening. You are putting something out there that no one wants (because you haven’t researched your market), not enough people know about your product or service, or you can’t explain well enough why they need your product or service.
How I got started and grew my business…
I started ReNursing Career Consulting (now known as ReNursing Edu) while working full-time in a busy cardiothoracic recovery room and going to NP school. I started by writing a book and my business expanded from there.
I bought my URL from GoDaddy, designed my website and got all my important government documents taken care of so I would be a legit business owner. I spent way too much money in the beginning because I didn’t know what the heck I was doing.
I spent hours during my days off learning how to grow my business by reading books and blogs. I also Googled a lot. All of this took up a lot of time, but that’s what you have to do when you don’t know any better.
I offered a lot of different services from day one, but really didn’t have a focus. Of course I didn’t sell a thing on day (or for awhile for that matter) because NO ONE knew I existed. I had to go out and get people to notice my stuff.
Business success is never in a straight line. However, you can invest in yourself and make that line shorter.
To make that line shorter, I’ve designed a course that will help you from A-Z in starting your own business.
Don’t know what kind of business to start? I’ve got you covered with my FREE introductory course “Find Your Profitable Business Idea.”
Already have a business idea, but don’t know where to start? I’ve got you covered with my course “From Nurse to Entrepreneur.“
This full-length course covers the basics such as coming up with a name, marketing, a budget and a website for your business. You’ll also learn how to write out a basic business plan, how to work with VAs and more! The course comes with a workbook so you can follow along with your lessons.
Check out the course curriculum here:
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Do You Have What it Takes?
Lesson 3: Envision
Lesson 4: Motivation
Lesson 5: Plan
Lesson 6: Organize
Lesson 7: Work
Lesson 8: Execute
Lesson 9: Reward
Lesson 10: Bonus Content
Lesson 11: Conclusion
Bonus Content:
- Sample Cold Calling script (pdf)
- Business resources (pdf)
- Small Business Checkoff list (pdf)
- Pricing Products & Services (pdf)
#solopreneur #nursebusiness #lifestylebusiness #50businessIdeasfortheentrepreneurialnurse #movingfromthebedsidetobusiness #Business
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