As many of you may know, in addition to being a nurse practitioner and running ReNursing Edu, I am an author. As a matter of fact, my whole nursing business started with the writing of my first book, “So You’re a Nurse and Want to Start Your Own Business? The Complete Guide“
During the time, the writing was easy but I hesitated on publishing it once it was done. Some of it was because I worried what others would think or if anyone would even read it, but mostly it was the editing phase that I absolutely dreaded.
I remember it took forever to get my first book edited, let alone formatted and a cover made. Editing has always been the bane of my existence since I began writing book reports in middle school.
After I published my first book, I had no intention of writing another. Well, here I am 18 books later (and counting), and still, dread the editing phase. Even though I dread it, the process has become easier and less stressful due to a valuable tool I use.
Grammarly is an automated plagiarism and grammar checker and it has saved me much humiliation (when writing emails and blogs to you guys), time, and sanity when it comes to my writing. As an author, nothing can knock your credibility more than someone finding spelling and/or grammatical errors in your work.
Imagine having a spell checker that also helps with the editing aspect of your writing activities. If I mistakenly misspell a word of course the red lines underline the word like most other spell check apps, but the cool thing is that if you hover over the word Grammarly will suggest the correct word for you and tell you why it’s incorrect! The program does even more and checks grammar and plagiarism too.
It’s so simple to use.
Check out this screenshot of the blog I’m writing for you guys:

In the screenshot above I copied and pasted my blog post in the Grammarly program just as an example, but you don’t have to be in the program in order to take advantage of what Grammarly offers. You can install Grammarly on your desktop and it will automatically edit all of your writing activities.
Being in the program itself is good for checking longer pieces of text so you can get a detailed report on your grammar, spelling and plagiarism flags.
The best thing about Grammarly is that the base package is free and still offers you basic spelling and grammar corrections. If you want to check your writing for plagiarism, you will need to upgrade to the premium package. The premium package is billed in one of three ways; monthly for $29.99 per month, quarterly for $59.95 per quarter or annually at $139.95 per year.
After using the free version for a short while, I quickly upgraded to the premium version after I saw how much value it brings to my writing.
If you’re looking to become a better writer, check Grammarly out!
This post was proofread by Grammarly.
#Grammarly #Writing #Author #Blogfeature
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