I’ve bought some really cool stuff from garage and estate sales over the years. Vintage Pyrex mixing bowls, paintings by nobody famous that I admired, a beautiful mirror and awesome vintage train prints.
Yeah, I’m weird.
When I find something I like at a garage sale, I ask how much it is because there isn’t usually a price tag. Then I ask if that’s their best price. Because that’s the way stuff is done at garage sales.
Some sellers are eager to get rid of their stuff, some are not. I’m sure the person that sold me the rusty brown file cabinet thought they’d never find a weirdo to take that off of their hands. (There really is a niche for everything).
You’re not running a garage sale. And your rates aren’t negotiable.
Remember these three facts when running your business:
- You need a certain amount of money to run your business. That’s a fact.
- It takes you a certain amount of time and energy to produce the service. That’s a fact.
- The price is the price. That’s a fact.
Susy Q charges X amount because she knows how many clients she can take on at any one time and how much money she needs to pay his bills.
Joe Smho charges Y amount because he knows how many clients he can take on at any one time and how much money he needs to pay his bills.
Susy Q does not give two cares what Joe is charging because she knows what she needs to charge to stay in business.
Joe also doesn’t feel any guilt/anxiety/heart palpitations telling people how much it will cost to have him work on a project because it’s nothing personal, the price is the price.
Remember this when someone balks at the cost of your products or services. Your time and energy is worth the price you are asking.
Nurse business owners, have you had people balk at your prices? If so, what did you do, if anything?
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