The pandemic has upended lives for many, including those who work in the healthcare sector. In the past few months there have been record-number lay-offs and furloughs of nurses, nurse practitioners and other health professionals due to the pandemic.
In my 19 years of being a nurse I’ve never experienced this and I’ll bet you haven’t either. As a “hands-off” career consultant who writes books on alternative nursing careers and lurks on nursing boards and forums, I hear the same thing over and over regarding nurses wanting to leave the bedside or profession altogether.
This pandemic and the resulting job insecurities, lay-offs and health concerns has nurses wanting to leave the profession in droves. While it’s sad that one wants to close one chapter and start another, it can also be rewarding and a positive move when done the correct way.
The pandemic has changed our lives forever and will continue to do so for a long time, there is no better time than to pivot your career if that’s what you want to do. During this time I’ve had more time to devote to this seemingly increasing desire of nurses wanting to change their careers.
I’ve created a course that has covered why now is the best time to make a move.
Pivoting During A Pandemic: Making an Impact Outside of Nursing takes you through everything from A to Z for your career change. We’ll go over my definition of pivoting your career (it’s not exactly what you would think), why the pandemic is the best time, how to gain useful certifications during this time for next to nothing, reviewing your resume and more! We’ll even discuss business options if that’s what you want to pursue.
If you’ve been thinking about a career change, now is the time! Pre-sales for the course are open now. Use coupon code PIVOT20 at checkout to get $20 off!
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