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The ReNursing Edu blog has readers worldwide and helps nurses like you navigate your career journey. 

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Starting an online business seems like an easy accomplishment, and in some ways, it’s easier than working at the bedside in a busy unit. But jumping into business and throwing up a website and saying you’re “open for business” will not bring you clients.  Before you chuck the deuces on your nursing job, test out […]

Pic of laptop with business plan powerpoint

3 Questions to Ask Before Transitioning Your Nurse Side Hustle into a Full-Time Business

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When starting any business you need to determine your niche, especially if you’re going into a field you’re not as familiar with. I’ve been a nurse for a long time, as I imagine a lot of my readers have been as well. It’s very hard to change from a nurse mindset to a (insert your chosen field here) mindset.

How to Choose your Project Management Business Niche

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“I’m tired of working 12-hour shifts.” “I hate to ask for time off to spend more time with my family.” “I didn’t get a raise again this year.” When it comes to working for someone else, I’m sure you’ve said these same phrases to yourself time and time again. It’s what you’ve been conditioned to […]

Are You Conditioned to Staying an Employee?