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The ReNursing Edu blog has readers worldwide and helps nurses like you navigate your career journey. 

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Businesses of every type, including nursing businesses, need a business plan. Don’t think you can skip by on this important step when you start your business because you offer a service instead of a physical product. Every business can benefit from a business plan. There are 3 steps you should focus on: Step 1: Focus […]

3 Must-Haves For Your Nurse Business Plan

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Do you hate nursing? If you’re a nurse and contemplating starting your own business don’t be discouraged by naysayers! You may even want to go into another profession. It’s ok to pivot! Remember, you’re HUMAN first above all else and if it just so happens that nursing isn’t your calling (or never was!) it’s ok […]

If You’re Not Happy in Your Nursing Career, It’s OK to Pivot!

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During the pandemic most people are at home scrolling through their social media feed, reading random jokes, and watching random videos. They’re just watching anything that comes up on their feed. Most social media apps are set up for endless or infinite scrolling of content so users don’t leave their app and you don’t need […]

Why Nurses Make Great Content Providers