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The ReNursing Edu blog has readers worldwide and helps nurses like you navigate your career journey. 

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It’s inevitable. As a small business owner, you will wear many, many hats, especially if you’re just starting out and getting your “sea legs,” so to speak.  You’ll play multiple roles and sometimes be stretched thin for many months or years until you learn how to outsource. Some of the roles solopreneurs take on right […]

Person counting cash

How to Focus on Money-Making Activities as a Business Owner

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Overwhelm is real when you have a business, especially if you’re a solopreneur. There’s always more to be done; more products to create, more blogs to write, more sales pages to build, more clients to connect with, and more.  One of the biggest contributors to not staying focused? Shiny object syndrome.  It happens to us […]

Journal with a quote "Everything is a Fresh Start"

Stay Focused as an Entrepreneur and Get Further in Business

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Nurses are master multi-taskers, and this is no different when a nurse decides to become a business owner. Productivity and efficiency are the norm for nurses and overflows into their business life, but there’s a fine line between being productive and overworking yourself. Many business owners try to make the most of their time during […]

woman on laptop drinking coffee

3 Hacks to Improve Your Business Productivity