3 Ways to Use Social Media to Discover What Your Audience Wants

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Depending on your perspective, social media is considered either the greatest invention or the biggest time-suck for entrepreneurs. Depending on what you’re posting and on what social media platform, you may be seeing results from your posting efforts such as likes, comments, or shares of your content. If this is you, you’re likely in the “I love XYZ platform.”

On the other hand, some business owners struggle with social media because they don’t know what to say, how much they should be posting, or what platform to use. This camp of entrepreneurs may revert to scrolling through their feeds aimlessly for hours at a time, and in turn – wasting time. 

Planning and research are both important when it comes to using social media effectively for marketing your business. Once I discovered the social media platforms and content I wanted to create for my audience (based on their wants) my business skyrocketed.

Here are some ways to discover what your audience wants:

1. Ask them. Plain and simple; there’s no sense in guessing what they want, so ask them directly. Use Google Forms to create a formal survey and share the link via social media and to your email list. Or simply ask them directly in a social media post. Using a survey allows more anonymity, so that may be a better option if your business requires more discreetness.

2. Check out your social media insights. I’m a fan of checking my analytics religiously; Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, KDP (Amazon). I look to see what posts have gotten the most likes, shares, and comments. I then take that data and create more content on the same topic. Make sure not to repost the same exact thing; change it up or delve into a different perspective of the same subject. Take that subject matter and create an YouTube video; or create a a podcast episode; or write an entirely new blog post.

3. Pay attention to other conversations in groups or on competitors’ posts. You’ll most likely see a host of questions (or complaints) regarding customer service. Take these concerns and address them in new social media posts or on your YouTube channel; or simply refine your business processes using this info. Even if they aren’t complaining about something, pay attention to what they say they need or can’t find in the market. Take that idea, develop it, and turn it into a new service, product, or series of posts offering detailed information on your market needs.

Most importantly, be present on social media every day and really take notice of what’s happening in conversations. Automating social media can be a great time saver but social media is supposed to be SOCIAL so no amount of automation can make up for a lack of interaction from you. People don’t want to follow a robot; they want a real person, that person who knows so much and can help them find the solutions to their problems.

Also, experiment a little by mixing up the content of your posts: Try video or infographics instead of text, or talking more about your personal life. Take note after you change up the content and track your analytics. Tracking changes will yield a ton of information and you’ll know fairly quickly if you’ve hit the mark or if that method/topic should be left alone. Sharing a bit about your personal life also helps break down that barrier between you – the expert, and your followers. It makes you more accessible and more real instead of just the face and name of a business.

Are You Ready to Create Your Side Hustle Income in a Weekend?

If you’re ready to switch your social media from casual to business-oriented, check out my newest Nurse Side Hustle planner. In just one weekend you’ll know if your side hustle is viable or will lead you to burnout. You’ll explore the inner thoughts of your dream client as well as tackle how to market your side gig. With some deep thought and a little quiet time, you’ll discover if you should jump in full force to a brand new business or keep it as a side gig. https://bit.ly/NurseSideHustlePlanner 

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