Hey, recent family nurse practitioner or adult-gerontology nurse practitioner grad!
Have you laid out your study plan for the nurse practitioner boards? If not, ReNursing Edu has some options to help you out. I’ve decided to write out my basic study plan for all of you that are still unsure of how to study for your exam. And when I talk about exam, I’m talking about either the ANCC or AANP exam for either FNP or AGNP. Trust me, we’ve got you covered.
Step 1: Determine Your Learner Type
Have you determined how you learn the best?
There are 4 primary learning types and many people are a mix between a few:
- Kinetic: This is a hands-on learner. They do best when actively participating in an activity.
- Auditory: These learners learn best while actively listening. They do not take many notes during class.
- Visual: These types of learners learn best through what they see.
- Read & Write: These learners are good traditional studiers, who read books and take notes. They study best by reading their notes or by copying them out.
If you want more information on the different learner types, download our complete learner type guide to determine yours.
Step 2: Make a Study Calendar
When I was studying for my boards, I made a study calendar. The calendar was for 1 month (the amount of time I gave myself) and I wrote out what body systems I was going to study on what day. This calendar kept me on track and made sure I wasn’t wasting time dragging my studying out for months on end.
By the way, I only recommend studying for your boards for one month, or 6 weeks max. Any longer than that you run the chance of not remembering information or working yourself into a state of anxiety.
Step 3: Practice Board Review Questions
Ok, I have to admit. The whole purpose of this post was to finally get to step three! Practicing board review questions is the absolute best way to study for your board exam. I practiced my questions whenever I could, but at the time I was preparing for my exam, I could only do the questions on my computer at home.
Well, it’s 2021 and times have changed. Now you can use your phone to pull up apps to help you study–which leads me to my next point– There’s an app for that!
Actually, there are two–FNP and AGNP.
For the past few months, I’ve been in collaboration with Gentoo Labs to get the apps developed with my board review content.
I’ve been waiting forever to announce simply because it took a lot of work to get everything developed, but the FNP and AGNP board exam apps are available on Android and Apple!
Here’s what they look like:

There are over 1200 FNP board review questions and over 1000 AGNP board review questions with detailed answer rationales so you can learn even more from just reviewing the correct answers! There’s also a feature that allows you to customize the questions for a mock exam. All exams are timed and graded so you can keep tabs on your progress.
You can purchase and download the app through the links here:
Android (Google Play):
Apple (The App Store):
- FNP: https://bit.ly/FNPAPPLE
- AGNP: https://bit.ly/AGNPAPPLE
I have lots more in store for nurse practitioner students studying for their boards and this is just a small (but still very significant piece) to an in-depth study plan.
Stay tuned for more news! 😉
Tell me, do you like using apps to help you study? Let me know in the comments below!
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