The Legal Side of Business

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The legal side of having a business is not fun or easy!

Many business owners struggle with writing their legal pages because they have no idea where to start.

You may find the legal stuff complicated, intimidating, or maybe even boring?

Are you confused or overwhelmed? Don’t be!

Trust me, I know because it wasn’t easy for me. I wasted HOURS and DAYS trying to write the legalese myself until I realized I’m not a lawyer and shouldn’t waste my time anymore! This was time I was taking AWAY from growing my business.

Nevertheless, I knew that the legal side of my online business is super important and to comply with the law, I needed legal pages on my website.

We all know hiring a lawyer to handle all this for you can be very expensive but it doesn’t mean you should skip over the legal pages!

My friend, Amira at is a lawyer and a blogger who has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs with their legal pages plus thousands of her clients!

She works full-time as a lawyer and has been working with business owners and entrepreneurs for more than 8 years helping them protect their online businesses legally!

I’m so glad I found her and her Legal Bundle, which is trusted by thousands of business owners like me!

Her Legal Bundle kit comes with 3 legal templates you must have on your website + 9 additional bonuses!

Here are the 3 legal templates it comes with:

  1. Privacy Policy Template
  2. Disclaimer Template
  3. Terms and Conditions Template

To learn about each template in detail and understand why you need it, check out her blog post here

I found all the templates to be very easy to customize like idiot-proof, and I got done with all my legal pages within minutes. I loved the Legal Bundle and feel like I’m legit and legally protected.

The Legal Bundle also comes with 9 bonuses worth $1175! Each template comes with 3 bonuses and is more than 20% off. There’s an additional discount on the Legal Bundle for a limited time where you save an extra $30 off!

Check out the Legal Bundle here

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