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When I say legal, I’m not talking about making sure you’ve chosen a business legal structure (LLC, S-Corp, sole proprietorship, etc) although that’s super important too.
I’m referring to having all your legal contracts, disclaimers, and terms and conditions in place. Most new business owners either skip this step…(? eek!) or don’t know what they don’t know and don’t have these important documents in place(double ?? eek!), or copy and paste these documents from the internet (triple ??? eek!).
Do you know that even for operating a simple business like a blog that there are legal documents you need to have in place to protect you from lawsuits?
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. When I first launched my business in 2013 I was in the category of not knowing what I didn’t know. I thought I was all set because I had my LLC in place and was super excited when Legal Zoom sent me my official business documentation.
Little did I know that I was running an illegal business at the time! I’ve since wised up and got all my legal documentation in place and want to make sure if you’re running a business that you do too!
Before I knew any better (once again, a young business owner!) I paid upwards of $250 per hour to have an attorney draft my legal documents and ended up spending thousands on a few documents.
I felt good finally getting all my legal documentation in place, but worried about the price I’d have to pay for my next set of documents should I start yet another business in the future.
Well, someone from above must have heard my thoughts and lead me to Amira at My Self Guru! Amira is a contract attorney who specializes in contracts for small businesses. She has tons of templates of contracts, disclaimers, and terms & conditions that she’s created for business owners.
And best of all, they’re not thousands of dollars!!!!
She’s thought of everything and even has legal bundle packages that have multiple business templates/documents included to save you even more money.
If you need any legal documents for your business to keep everything legal, check out her site here!
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