The new year brings new ideas for nurses looking to start a business. Do you need help coming up with a unique business idea that will capitalize off of your nursing experience?
Sure, nursing experience can be linked to the traditional businesses someone with a nursing background would start; home health, nursing agency, or CNA training program, but you want something different.
Why would someone want a unique nursing business idea?
Maybe after being a nurse for awhile you discovered that you had other passions that lie outside of nursing.
Or maybe you found during your research for businesses that agencies that are run by nurses account for way too many than your’e comfortable with.
You could also just want to be one-of-a-kind and hang your own shingle so to speak.
Whatever your reason, sometimes unique business ideas that utilize your nursing education don’t come naturally and you need some help. Take a look at this infographic featuring 6 unique businesses based on business ideas discussed in my book 50+ Business Ideas for the Entrepreneurial Nurse.

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