Many new entrepreneurs wonder exactly how much marketing they should do for their business. There is no hard and fast rule about how much marketing you should be doing for your business, but simply put, the more you do, the more money you will make.
I recently read a report on freelance salaries and how much marketing freelancers did in order to make $70+ per hour. The report by Ed Gandia, The 2012 Freelance Industry Report, showed those who marketed at least 4 hours per week made the most money.
You may be wondering why I’m speaking to you about a freelancer’s report and trying to figure out how it pertains to you. You, as a nurse entrepreneur, are pretty much considered a freelancer because you don’t work for anyone else but yourself.
Do you know what else the report said increased the hourly rate of the surveyed freelancers? Whether or not they thought of themselves as an entrepreneur or not. Huh? I thought when you went into business for yourself you were an entrepreneur? Well, according to the report, those who actually called themselves entrepreneurs seemed to be more driven and aggressive with marketing.
So, do you consider yourself an entrepreneur? If not, I suggest you start calling yourself one. The report shows that 38% entrepreneurial freelancers earn an average of $70 or more per hour whereas only 20% of non-entrepreneurial counterparts earn that much.
I encourage you to spend at least 4 hours a week marketing your business. Set up a marketing plan and devote that minimum amount of time. It doesn’t have to be one long 4-hour block, you can split it up any way you like just as long as you get it done. I like doing all my marketing on one day, but you may want to do 1 hour a day for 4 days of the week.
Do whatever fits your schedule and be ready to reap the benefits! Oh—and call yourself an entrepreneur!
#money #entrepreneur #marketing
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