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  Giant Cell Arteritis Clinical Features Symptoms of Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) can present as subacute, but abrupt presentations can occur in some patients. Many symptoms are nonspecific of GCA, but others can strongly suggest the presence of GCA. Constitutional symptoms: Systemic symptoms are common and include fever, weight loss, malaise, and fatigue. Fevers are […]

Giant Cell Arteritis

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  The mnemonic “DIAPPERS” can be helpful in remembering the categories of “transient” urinary incontinence. Delirium– When delirium is present, it impedes the recognition of both the need to void and the location of the nearest toilet. Incontinence is common among hospitalized patients with delirium; once it clears, incontinence usually resolves. Infection– Symptomatic urinary tract […]

Mnemonic for Transient Urinary Incontinence

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Riddle me this…in what profession is one degree not enough? In what profession is a MASTERS degree not enough? What profession has multiple points of entrance to practice? In what profession is alphabet soup lauded? In what profession can you go to school for the rest of your life and still not obtain all there […]

Is Nursing Education Fractured?