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The ReNursing Edu blog has readers worldwide and helps nurses like you navigate your career journey. 

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You went into business to make money, but are there any opportunities for extra money you may be losing out on? Sometimes it’s hard to objectively look at your business since you’re so entrenched. Unfortunately, we business owners can only see what’s right in front of us. A good analogy to compare is that we […]

3 Places You’re Leaving Money on the Table as a Nurse Business Owner

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We’ve all heard and seen the promises from “gurus” of earning many thousands of dollars a day/week/ month by simply following their system (and we’ve gotten those endless emails, too). We’ve all heard the stories that sound too good to be true. For every legitimate offer for help starting a business, there are dozens of […]

Woman at laptop with her head in her hands

Give Up on the MLMs…Build a Sturdy Business Instead

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Starting an online business seems like an easy accomplishment, and in some ways, it’s easier than working at the bedside in a busy unit. But jumping into business and throwing up a website and saying you’re “open for business” will not bring you clients.  Before you chuck the deuces on your nursing job, test out […]

Pic of laptop with business plan powerpoint

3 Questions to Ask Before Transitioning Your Nurse Side Hustle into a Full-Time Business