The ReNursing Edu blog has readers worldwide and helps nurses like you navigate your career journey.
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Inaction is the death of any business. Without taking regular action every single day to grow your business, inaction will eventually cause your business to become stagnant, and any profits you will have made will dry up. Clients will disappear, your sales funnel will be empty, and your revenue will dip to zero in a […]
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Are you ready to start your own business but don’t know what to do? This video is for the nurse who wants to move on from the bedside and start a business. Coming up with a nursing business plan is often the first step when a nurse is wanting to start a business, but before […]
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You went into business to make money, but are there any opportunities for extra money you may be losing out on? Sometimes it’s hard to objectively look at your business since you’re so entrenched. Unfortunately, we business owners can only see what’s right in front of us. A good analogy to compare is that we […]