Welcome to the best kept secret for nurses who want to move from the status quo of traditional nursing. You're here because you're interested in changing your career or starting your own business, but need clarity on how to do so.
You're tired of shift work, missing out on precious family time, and working hard to line someone else's pockets besides your own. Maybe you think nurses can't do anything but "nurse" (or start a MLM).
Where did the term "Nurse PIVOTERS" come from?
At ReNursing Edu, we believe nurses can do more than just MLMs and starting the typical "nursing" businesses like recruiting agencies and health coaching.
Just because you're a nurse, it doesn't mean you don't have other interests, hence the term "Nurse PIVOTERS" was born.
Imagine taking your career into your own hands and not being an "order taker" anymore, but the one who makes decisions on how to run your own business. Or imagine yourself in an entirely different career with better hours, less stress, and better pay. The possibilities are endless, what does your ideal career look like?
ReNursing Edu provides nurses with viable options to pivot their careers through Nurse Pivoter Academy™, courses, and other business resources.
Nurse PIVOTER (v.) /ners/ PIV-OT-ER
Definition: A nurse who goes against the status quo and switches careers or starts a business.
Let me show you how to transition from the bedside into your own online business.
Already have an online business but looking to grow your audience, traffic & profits?
Scale with proven systems & processes to automate your business so you can make money around the clock!
Get business advice you can use to start, grow, and scale your online business! Just because you're a nurse it doesn't mean you can't be an entrepreneur too!