This is an article I wrote for Minority Nurse published in the latest magazine. It actually stemmed from a blog post I did by the same name much earlier that resonated with many nurses. I wanted my readers to get a chance to read here on ReNursing as well.
It’s 8:00 a.m. and Christa Thompson, BSN, RN,* is traveling to a local Houston hospital to educate nursing staff on the latest medical device. A typical day is anywhere from two hours up to 12 hours for her, but she’s not unusually tired or stressed by the end of the day. A nurse for over five and a half years, Thompson is an RN by trade and works part-time as an independent clinical consultant training other people on the use of medical devices. She credits her nursing education and curiosity at an international nursing conference for getting her this job.
“I went up to a medical device booth at the conference and asked the representative if they hired nurses, simply out of curiosity,” says Thompson. “I was pretty much hired on the spot.” She loves her consultant job and knows her new career is a dream job for most nurses, but nursing is not where her true passion lies. Read the rest of the article here.
#nurseburnout #leavingtheprofession
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