5 Ways to Grow Your Business Profits

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Inaction is the death of any business. Without taking regular action every single day to grow your business, inaction will eventually cause your business to become stagnant, and any profits you will have made will dry up. Clients will disappear, your sales funnel will be empty, and your revenue will dip to zero in a heartbeat.

Be proactive to avoid this scenario!  Here are five action tasks that you can take to increase income and business growth.

  1. Email Your List Regularly. 

Contrary to popular belief, email marketing is NOT dead. If you don’t have an email list, start building one ASAP. Email will help you stay in touch with your list to let them know about your new offerings, recommend an affiliate product (that pays you a commission), or just update them on your life.

Trust me. Your list wants to hear from you. 

Make it a habit to email your list regularly so you stay fresh on their mind when something else comes up in business you want to share. I recently shared with my list that the Adult-Gero Primary Care and Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Review textbook was available on Amazon, and I immediately had sales just from one email!

  1. Focus on Customer Service.

Remember, the number one rule in business is that you will never please everyone, and you’ll eventually have customer service issues. Inevitably customers will contact you with questions or refund requests, so be prepared to answer these requests promptly. Stick to your guns about your refund policy but be cautious about never disregarding or disrespecting a customer (or prospective customers). Remember, negative online reviews are easier to find online than positive ones.

  1. Raise Your Rates.

When was your last rate increase? If you’re new to business, are your prices competitive with your competition? Can your ideal client afford your rates? Or it the rate still well below average? Be confident that your expertise is worth your rate. If you have existing clients make sure to break the new rates carefully or consider grandfathering them in at the current rate and increasing them for new clients. 

  1. Repackage Your Offerings.

Don’t go out and create a ton of products that waste your time and you may not see a profit from. Repurpose your current content and make something new!  Use old content like books, programs, blog posts, etc. you’ve created over the years – and create new bundles or an entirely new product.

For example, I took my nurse practitioner board review series and repurposed the content into one giant board review textbook and two separate apps. For example, I only had to do the heavy work of writing the content once and repurposed it accordingly. The information or products you repurpose should obviously be related in topic to appeal to the most people.

  1. Create a New Offer for Old Clients.

Do you already have clients that know, like, and trust you? Create an exclusive offer just for them. Maybe you could turn your high-ticket coaching program into a self-paced course or vice versa. Or maybe turn a course into the roadmap of a membership for people like I’ve done with the Nurse 2 CEO course in Nurse Pivoter Academy. People tend to buy from those they know, like, and trust. Make the offer sexy, exclusive, and time-sensitive to get quick action results.

How Do I Know What to Offer?

This is an age-old question of many business owners and it boils down to knowing your target audience. How do they want their information presented? What are the hot topics in their industry? What struggles do they have every day? The simplest way to know what they want is to simply ask them.

Another reason business owners don’t know what to offer is because they don’t have a plan, either for their business or the life they want to live as a business owner. Writing a business plan with action steps is imperative for business growth and for that reason, I’ve created a planner to help you develop the plan for both your business and your life.

Dream: A 12-Month Business & Life” planner contains 52 pages filled with actionable steps anyone can implement. At the end of the planner you will have a completed 12-month calendar with all your goals for the year planned. If you want to leverage both your life and business, click here to purchase.


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