Happy 2018! The New Year brings about new beginnings and setting goals for the year. I know most of the readers of ReNursing Edu are here for education of some sort, but since it’s the new year, I decided to bring you something most everyone has on their resolution list.
As you may well know, ReNursing Edu works with nurse-owned businesses and loves to present those businesses to other nurses. We’re starting out 2018 with our latest partner, Teri Sears, of Excelsior Health. Teri is an integrative health coach who also happens to be a LVN.
Excelsior Health focuses on preventing or reversing diet related diseases. Teri underwent physical changes herself after changing her diet and getting the dreaded “baby weight” off she had been holding on to for 2 years after the birth of her child.
Focusing on the cause of the illness rather than symptoms, Teri founded Excelsior Health to help others. She has a variety of coaching packages and programs to get you in shape for 2018! Be sure to use promo code NJOHNSON for any of the packages you get so she’ll know that I sent you!

#newyear #healthyhabits #weightloss #partnerofrenursingedu
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