ReNursing Career Consulting is undergoing major changes. After a long reflection of knowing what I want to offer fellow nurses and nursing students, I decided that career consulting may not be the best fit. Based upon the many emails, inquires, and questions I receive, I’ve decided that a more appropriate service would be education. Education in the sense of those wanting to advance their careers within the nursing profession and education that allows one to use their nursing skills to start their own business venture.ReNursing Career Consulting is undergoing major changes. After a long reflection of knowing what I want to offer fellow nurses and nursing students, I decided that career consulting may not be the best fit. Based upon the many emails, inquires, and questions I receive, I’ve decided that a more appropriate service would be education. Education in the sense of those wanting to advance their careers within the nursing profession and education that allows one to use their nursing skills to start their own business venture.
A change in name and focus allows me to serve the nursing community in a broader sense. I have big plans for what I want to accomplish with this site, and ultimately brand. After careful consideration ReNursing Career Consulting will now be known as ReNursing Edu. The website is still under construction with changing everything over to reflect that name, so please be patient with me. You will still see ReNursing Career Consulting in some spots and will most definitely see ReNursing Edu as well. Don’t be confused as I’m still here working very hard in the background to get things I want them to be.
What is the focus of ReNursing Edu you may ask? Like I always say, education is the key to advancing in any shape, form, or fashion. My hope is to develop a community where nurses can come and get the information they seek; courses about business, finance, and the nursing profession. I want to bring together nurses who are already doing their own thing and involve them in the community. I want ReNursing Edu to be a hub.
I am an author of many titles, but I do not intend to have ReNursing Edu focus on my products alone. I want to open ReNusing Edu to other nurses who would like to showcase their talents to others as well by the way of blogging, having their course highlighted on the site, or by promoting their business ventures and products. Nurses need to know that there is always an alternative in their chosen profession.
So, I ask that you please bear with me in the coming weeks and months as I have many projects on my plate. Big changes are coming soon and I want you to be a part of it.
If anyone has a business or course that would like to be involved in the ReNursing Edu community, please email me @ info@renursing.com.
#ReNursingEdu #Business #Nursingeducation #namechange#Change #ReNursingCareerconsulting #RN
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